Hundreds of hours of video are shot every season for your team. Games, scrimmages, practices. But it's a total drag to actually watch that video and do something useful with it. Colleges with big budgets solve this problem by hiring a full-time stats taker who knows expensive, hard to learn software.
What if you could use a smart phone or tablet to easily record the touches your athletes make and sync it with video from almost any camera?
Using a smart phone or tablet, you can create a file that time-stamps every contact during an event with athlete name, skill, and even rating. Just video the event without stopping the camera. Afterwards, you can sync the mobile app file with video very quickly.
How nice would it be to create a short, relevant movie of every contact each of your players had at the event in minutes?
TouchStat Desktop runs on Windows or Mac. This software combines every common video format with stat files from a variety of easy-to-learn mobile apps. You can filter to an athlete, their skills, and even the rating of that skill and watch each contact instantly.
How cool would it be to have video of your entire team, broken down by athlete in minutes after you turn off the video camera?
TouchStat Desktop (Coach version) has automated settings that allow you to export videos for each of your athletes with one click. All the dead time, time outs, delays in practice ... stripped out. Condense a two hour practice into a 5 minute movie for each player with just a few clicks.
TouchStat is the brainchild of several coaches and many programmers who really understand what it takes to help their players get better. Try the demo today.